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Lapeer Early College (LEC)

An innovative program for students of Lapeer Community Schools offers students the opportunity to earn an associate degree just one year removed from high school. Lapeer Early College (LEC), partnered with Mott Community College curricula starting in a student's junior year. It's a three-year commitment to increased academic rigor with access to college courses inside a traditional high school schedule.

During the 13th year, most of a student's time is spent at our partner college. After completion of the program, students will receive their LHS diploma and can earn an associate degree or 60 college credits from their partner school.

Why Early College?
#1. College Readiness
Prepare students as college ready. To not only get to college, but to get through college.
-Taking college courses taught by college instructors, using a college syllabus and communication system.
-With the supportof high school, home & family.
-During the school day, in Lapeer.
#2. Financial Benefits
-Earn 15 or up to 60 credits or Associate's degree through LCS partnerships.
-Reduce loans needed to both start and finish college.
-Complete the certificate or Associate's degree and go to work, or transfer the credits to a four-year program to potentially be "half done".

LHS (810) 667-2418
Jason Larsen, LHS Principal, [email protected]
LHS Counseling Office (810) 667-2421
Jacklyn Music
Julie Pecore
Karen Logan
Jeff Lorenz
Zemmer Counseling Office (810) 667-2413 
8th and 9th grade:
Robin Spisz

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